Saturday, February 17, 2007

The "Secret"

I have been hearing a lot about this. I heard Oprah talking about it as she was promoting one of her shows but since she didn't say what "the secret" was in her promo, I didn't think more about it. I have since come to find out that "the secret" is a concept to bring whatever it is you want in your life - be it money, to lose weight or have the relationship of your dreams.

I have found the link to a short video that shows this concept. Here is the link:

Personally I thought it was a very powerful video short and I'll let you decide for yourself once you view it. I downloaded it and want to use it as my screensaver (as soon as I figure out how to do that).

This is also my first visit to youtube though I have heard a lot about it.

So take a look at the video short and you can decide for yourself whether you like it or not.

I certainly want to attract abundance and wealth into my life!



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