Friday, February 23, 2007


In Hinduism, Ganesha is one of the most well-known and beloved representations of God. As the lord of beginnings and eliminator of obstacles, he is said to be the most worshipped divinity in India.[1] Traditionally he is honored with affection at the start of any ritual or ceremony, even by devotees of other Hindu deities. Whether it is diwali puja, a new vehicle, students praying before exams, beginning a business venture, sessions of bhajan (devotional chanting), or taking a trip, it is Ganesha they pray to. Throughout India and the Hindu culture, Ganesha is the first icon placed into any new home or abode.

It is widely believed that "Wherever there is Ganesha, there is Success and Prosperity" and "Wherever there is Success and Prosperity there is Ganesha". He is the Lord of Obstacles both of a material and spiritual order.[2] He is capable of placing obstacles in the path of those who need to be checked, and can remove blockages just as easily. By calling on him people believe that he will come to their aid and grant them success in their endeavour. He also is considered the master of intellect and wisdom.

The popularity of Ganesha is widely diffused, even outside of India.[3] [4]

Some of his devotees identify Ganesha as the Supreme deity and are called the Ganapatya (Sanskrit:गाणपत्य; gāņapatya).[5] [6] Their principal scriptures are the Ganesha Purana, the Mudgala Purana, and the Ganapati Atharvashirsa, all of which identify Ganesha as the Supreme embodiment of Brahman.

He is called by many other names, including Ganapati. The Hindu title of respect 'Shri' (Sanskrit:श्री; śrī, also spelled Sri or Shree) is often added before his name.



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