Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm Back In My Garden Again!

Yes, I'm back in my garden again this year! As you can see, here is a copy of one of my planted beans that I took last year but what is so good about this is that this looks just like the bean plant that is growing in my garden now! I guess this really does make me a "green" witch afer all! - LOL!

I have come to find out that while I am on my journey of witchcraft and being a witch, I am finding out other things about myself as well!

I enjoy gardening and I enjoy cooking and while I love working on my computer I also have come to appreciate what nature has to offer! I love seeing the "green" that is surrounding me at this time of the year and it provides a nice moment of relaxation when I'm drinking my tea!

I think that we should all learn to relax more! Stress is really something! There have been times that I have been so stressed that I actually believe that I have made myself ill!

This path that I am following is showing me a more spiritual side of myself - one that I should and am getting more in touch with. It's like I'm being told that there is more to witchcraft than just doing spells and I am getting that message quite clear! In fact I haven't done a spell in a while - how about that? But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to in the future - it's just that in my journey I have found that there is more to being a witch than just doing spells! For me, I think that it has a lot to do with knowing one's self and not trying to impress others - just know yourself and be true to yourself!

I initially started this blog because I wanted to give those who are interested and/or new to becoming a witch and witchcraft an insight into one's journey into such but I am finding that I am learning new and more things everyday! I know that the most important lesson that I have learned so far is that it is not ALL about just doing spells!

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