Thursday, January 12, 2006

Witchvox Member Here - I've been getting email!

I'm a member of Witchvox and I allowed the option to receive email from others. I get a lot of spam but I also get quite a few interesting emails. A lot of them are from people that just want to be able to communicate with others that have similar interests.

A lot of Witchvox members have opted to not enable the option for receiving email but for right now I find it kind of curious and a bit interesting. My path has not for a long period of time and there are many that are a lot more experienced at this than I am but still I enjoy getting the legitimate email from others that are curious.


Blogger Mutableblue said...

I used to have my set to receive email invites, etc. No spam though, I did get some weird emails so now it's just set for private emails.

6:19 PM  

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